Teacher talking with student at desk
Engage in authentic conversation and reflection with experienced educators

How Your Student Experience Shapes the Way You Teach

Guest(s): Tricia Ebarvia and Adam Pelletier
Date: 08/30/2023
Run time: 57:32
Season 1, Episode 3

Tricia and Adam discuss how there is not one way of doing things, there are many. They also discuss the importance of finding meaning in other people and by doing so you can find creative thought partners.

Episode Audio

Tricia Ebarvia Photo

Tricia Ebarvia

Tricia Ebarvia is a lifelong educator, author, speaker, and literacy consultant. She is an expert in curriculum design, culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogy, and social justice education, as well as a teacher consultant and member of the National Writing Project. For more than two decades, Tricia taught high school English, including courses in American literature, world literature, and Advanced Placement English. In addition to teaching, Tricia designed and facilitated racial literacy leadership programs for students as well as district-wide equity initiatives for faculty and staff. Since 2021, Tricia has served as the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at a Pre-K to 8 independent Quaker school in Philadelphia, where she continues to teach, coach teachers, and partners with families to support positive identity development and academic growth of students. 

Tricia’s deep belief in education as a vehicle for social change and justice undergirds and informs all her practice. Tricia is a cofounder of #DisruptTexts, an antibias, anti-racist effort to advocate for equitable and diverse language arts curricula and pedagogy. She is the codirector
of the Institute for Racial Equity in Literacy, a professional development institute attended by hundreds of educators worldwide. Tricia is also the coeditor of the blog series, 31DaysIBPOC, which amplifies the voices and experiences of educators of color each May.

Tricia is the recipient of several awards, including a National Education Association Leadership Grant, the 2021 Divergent Award for Excellence
in Literacy Advocacy from the Initiative for Literacy in a Digital Age, the Pennsylvania High School Teacher of Excellence Award from the National Council of Teachers of English. Tricia has also been recognized as an Outstanding Asian Pacific American Educator by former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf. Tricia’s work has been published and featured in The New York Times, Literacy Today, Education Update, The Council Chronicle, Research in the Teaching of English, Education Week, and in the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy.

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Adam Pelletier Photo

Adam Pelletier

Adam Pelletier is a high school television production teacher in Middleborough, Massachusetts. He graduated from Boston College before returning to his hometown of Middleborough to begin teaching in 2004. Adam’s grateful for helping the next generation of students discover their passion for television production.

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Carol Pelletier Radford Photo

Carol Pelletier Radford

Carol Pelletier Radford is the founder of Mentoring in Action, an organization dedicated to the success of novice teachers and their mentors. Before she established her own organization to support mentors and new teachers, she was a veteran elementary school teacher and a teacher preparation leader. Carol is the author of Corwin’s bestselling books Mentoring in Action: Guiding, Sharing, and Reflecting With Novice Teachers and The First Years Matter: Becoming an Effective Teacher.

Carol received her Education Doctorate from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, where she focused her studies on mentoring and teacher leadership. She is also a certified yoga teacher who practices meditation and shares mindfulness strategies with educators through her online courses and website. Her podcast Teaching With Light features the stories of teachers and inspirational leaders. Her next passion project is the creation of a Teacher Legacy Network, where retired teachers can share their wisdom with the next generation of teachers.

You can learn more about Carol, find free resources, videos, meditations, courses, and all of her books at mentoringinaction.com/.

Twitter: @MentorinAction
Facebook: @MentoringinAction4Teachers
Instagram: @cpradford

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