Corwin's Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Corwin is dedicated to disrupting systemic inequities in our education system, the publishing industry, and society at large.
Through our multifaceted approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), we aim to:
- Challenge policies and practices that harm historically underserved students and their families.
- Repair our own house by centering the voices of authors who have been underrepresented by the publishing industry, including authors of color, those who identify as LGBTQIA+, and others.
- Support K-12 professionals in creating inclusive classroom and school cultures in which our students’ identities are affirmed and valued.
- Ensure students have access to the truth about their own and others’ histories, to learn from materials that reflect their cultures and lived experiences, and to feel a sense of safety and belonging in school.
We believe that the work of our nation’s educators is often undervalued and that educators have both the desire and capacity to grow in their own commitment to DEI. Similarly, as a learning organization, we strive to continually apply an equity lens to our practices and honor the principles of justice, inclusivity, and cultural humility in all that we do. Our children are counting on us.
Explore the ways we bring our commitment to equity to life and offer guidance to education professionals:

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Professional Learning Services
Change comes through action and evidence — and we bring both to the fore through our equity-focused professional learning services. Our expert authors and consultants work hand in hand with schools and districts to shine a light on barriers to success, understand the structures that perpetuate disparities, and systematically dismantle them, ensuring that equity is not just a buzzword, but a tangible reality in classrooms.
Blog Articles
- Strategies for District and School Leaders to Advance and Sustain Their Equity Agenda
- Strategies to Engage All Families
- Strategies to Affirm Students’ Cultures, Languages, and Identities
- 5 Tips for Bringing Radical Love Into Your Classroom
- Three Strategies to Ensure Your Lesson Plans Are Grounded in Equity
- Don’t Tell Girls “You can be anything you want to be.” Do This Instead
- Embedding Language and Culture to Achieve Equity in Mathematics and Science Classrooms
- Book Banning is Threatening the Freedom to Read
- Supporting Multilingual Learner Science Success Through Vocabulary Equity Moves
- How to be MORE than an Ally: 5 Steps to Make an Impact in the Path to Equity in Schools
- How to Use Student Shadowing to Understand Students’ Lived Experiences
- What Can You Do to Advance Racial Equity
- A Guide to Detracking Math Courses with Angela Torres and Laura Wentworth
- A Menu for Equity and Accelerated Learning with Sonya Murray-Darden and Gwendolyn Y. Turner
- Anti-Bias Literacy Instruction for Stronger Readers, Writers, and Thinkers with Tricia Ebarvia
- Be Equity Warriors with George S. Perry, Jr. and Joan Richardson
- Breaking Down the Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learners' Success with Margarita Espino Calderon, Maria G. Dove, Diane Staehr Fenner, Margo Gottlieb, Andrea Honigsfeld, Tonya Ward Singer, Shawn Slakk, Ivannia Soto, and Debbie Zacarian
- Co-Teaching for English Learners: How to Maximize Collaborative Practice, Instruction, Assessment & Reflection with Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld
- Collaboration for English Learners: Foundational Strategies for Successful Integrated Practices with Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria G. Dove
- Collective Equity with Sonja Hollins-Alexander and Nicole Law
- Confronting Uncomfortable Truths About Inequity in Schools with Carmella S. Franco, Maria G. Ott and Darline P. Robles
- Cultivating Mathematics Hearts with Maria del Rosario Zavala and Julia Maria Aguirre
- Culturally Relevant Math Tasks in the Classroom with Lou E. Matthews, Shelly M. Jones, and Yolanda A. Parker
- Culturally Responsive Teaching for Multilingual Learners: Tools for Equity with Sydney Snyder and Diane Staehr Fenner
- Deepening Your Equity Impact with Gary Howard
- EL Excellence Every Day: 6 Essentials to Raise EL Achievement with Tonya Ward Singer
- Equity in School Discipline: Don’t Suspend Me! with Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan and John E. Hannigan
- From Equity Insights into Action: Critical Collaborative Strategies for Teaching Multilingual Learners
- with Andrea Honigsfeld, Maria G. Dove, Audrey Cohan, and Carrie McDermott Goldman
- How White People Can Contribute to a Healthy Multiracial Society with Ali Michael and Eleonora Bartoli
- Humanizing Personalized Learning with Paul Emerich France
- Inequity Is Not an Option: Urgent Next Steps in Leading for Equitable Instruction with Alan M. Blankstein, Marcus J. Newsome, Monica George-Fields, Linda Darling Hammond, Zaretta Hammond, Ricky Robertson, and Cyndee Blount
- Launching and Sustaining Powerful Equity Work with Dr. Trudy T. Arriaga, Benjie Howard, Grant Twyman
- Leadership for Racial Equity in Schools and Beyond with Glenn Singleton and Melissa Krull
- Leading Change through the Lens of Cultural Proficiency with Jaime E. Welborn, Tamika Casey, Keith T. Myatt, and Randall B. Lindsey
- Leading MTSS for Equity and Inclusion with Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan, John E. Hannigan, Amy McCart & Dawn Miller
- Leveraging Students' Cultural Capital and Assets Online and In Person with Stephanie Smith Budhai and Kristine Lewis Grant
- Opening Doors for Equity and Access with Trudy Arriaga
- Opening Windows and Opening Minds with Afrika Afeni Mills
- Reimagining "Classroom Management" for Equity with H. Richard Milner IV
- SEL for Multilingual Learners: Urgent Considerations and Tools to Use for Equity with Diane Staehr Fenner and Mindi Teich
- Strategies for Building ELs’ Language Power with Diane Staehr Fenner and Margo Gottlieb
- Street Data: A Next-Generation Model for Equity, Pedagogy, and School Transformation with Shane Safir, Dr. Jamila Dugan, Chris Emdin, and Jal Mehta
- Supporting Educators to Become Equity-Focused Change Agents with Justin Cohen, Derek Mitchell, Cynthia Moultrie and William Hill
- The Rebellious Read Aloud with Vera Ahiyya
- The School of Hope with Cathleen Beachboard
- Race Resilience: Achieving Equity Through Self and Systems Transformation with Victoria E. Romero, Amber N. Warner, and Justin Hendrickson
- The Significance of Beliefs and Culture Within Schools with Lauren M. Wells
- Understanding Students Through Their Perspectives with Dr. Tommie Mabry
- Universal Design for Learning and Beyond with Lee Ann Jung
- When White Women Teach Black Boys with Eddie Moore Jr.,Ali Michael and Marguerite Penick-Parks
- Youth Equity Stewardship (YES!): Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with Benjie Howard and Wade Antonio Colwell
Podcast Episodes
- Affirming Every Student's Humanity with Sharone Brinkley-Parker, Tracey L. Durant, Kendra V. Johnson, Kandice Taylor and Johari Toe
- Do You Really Understand Equity? with Chaunté Garrett and Tammy Campbell
- Empowering Women in School Leadership with Trudy T. Arriaga and Delores B. Lindsey
- How Welcoming is Your School? A Frank Discussion About Recruiting and Retaining People of Color with Howard Fields and Darryl Diggs Jr.
- Leading While Female with Trudi Arriaga, Stacie L. Stanley and Delores B. Lindsey
- Making Black Success Predictable with Joseph Johnson
- Navigating Resistance to Equity Work with Melissa
- Re-Engaging Multilingual Learners with Debbie Zacarian, Margarita Espino Calderon and Margo Gottlieb
- Serving Educational Equity with Sonya Murray-Darden and Gwendolyn Y. Turner
- Supporting Students in Poverty with Horacio Sanchez
- Transforming Schools for Multilingual Learners with Debbie Zacarian
Sage Journal Articles
- The Role of Frequent Teacher Referrers in Expanding Racial Disciplinary Disproportionalities
- A Case Study of Black History Curriculum Implementation in New Jersey
- Latinx High School Students' Perceptions About Their High School Experiences
- Culturally Adapted Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Support for Black Male Learners
- Supporting Equity in Cooperative Mathematics Learning
- “Discomfort” as Resistance to Transgender Student Affirmation
- Does Reclassification Change How English Learners Feel About School and Themselves?
- Gender Disparities in AP Computer Science Exams
Organizational Practices
All of us at Corwin are needed to make the vision of an equitable world come true. We aim to foster a diverse work environment in which all contributors’ authentic voices are valued and respected. We aim to amplify the voices of employees, vendors, and authors of all genders, orientations, races, ethnicities, and abilities. We acknowledge structural discrimination and we are committed to challenging existing power structures within publishing and education. We intend to ensure historically marginalized groups have a seat at the table. We know we have more work to do, and we’re working toward our goals every day.
Our DEI strategies are extensive and expansive, and include:
Employee support and community-building:
- Employee Resource Groups currently centered on:
- Disability, Accessibility, and Wellness in the UK / Accessibility and Wellness in the US
- Gender Equity
- Green Groups (US, UK and India)
- Jewish Network and Allies
- Menopause Network
- Mothers and Caretakers
- People Of Color (POC) in the US / Global Majority (BAME) in the UK
- Women in Technology
- Floating holidays for cultural significance; paid holidays for Juneteenth and Indigenous People’s Day Cultural celebrations days
- Mental health resources especially for BIPOC and LGTBQIA+ colleagues
- Donations and donation-matching for diverse and equitable organizations
Personal and professional development opportunities to raise critical consciousness provided through:
- Anti-bias and anti-harassment/discrimination training, including training on microaggressions
- DEI working groups
- Global mentorship program
- Global Cultural Collaborative reading groups and DEI discussion groups
- Online seminars and webinars to promote allyship for marginalized groups
- Formal hiring, interview, and retention policies:
- Expanded bias-sensitive job descriptions
- Remote work allowance
- Panel interviews
- Regular pay-equity review
Author Support
- Early support with language choices in author orientation and DEI writing guidelines
- Commitment within editorial development to ensure representation in images, examples, and assessments
- Training around accessibility requirements for online content
Other Resources
- Guidance on Creating Identity Safe Schools and Classrooms