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Victoria E. Romero

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Victoria Romero is an educator with over 42 years of experience working as a classroom teacher, principal, and leadership coach. She continues to coach administrators, directors, principals, vice principals, and school leadership teams for equity and sustainable school improvement in three school districts in Washington. Victoria is a certified consultant and lead author of two Corwin Press books, "Building Resilience in Students Impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Whole Staff Approach" (2018) and "Race Resilience: Achieving Equity Through Self and Systems Transformation" (2021). Both books focus on the impact of traumatization as it relates to social-emotional needs of students as well as how to create school cultures that foster resilience. In her more recent work, Victoria provides guidance to school staff in engaging in authentic dialogue about how racialization and racial positioning influences perceptions, behaviors, expectations, and decisions. Her guiding framework emphasizes that systems will change when the people working in them change.


Building Resilience in Students Impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (2 or 4 Days):

Participants will deepen their understanding of the impact of ACEs and trauma on students’ learning and behavior. Research has shown that ACEs and trauma affect a child’s brain development, cognition, behavior, and social-emotional development. By building our knowledge of the impact of ACEs, we strengthen our “why,” or the reason that we engage in this work, while gaining insights that make us more effective school professionals. School-wide systems that engage the entire staff to create a universal culture of compassion and achievement can provide students with consistent support, structure, and nurturance.

  • Expand your capacity to foster resilience and success for your students and yourself.
  • Learn strategies for cultivating self-awareness, growth mindset, resiliency, and self-care
  • Develop multi-tiered strategies to support the behavioral, social-emotional, and academic success of all students, especially those impacted by ACEs and trauma
  • Develop action plans to implement a multi-tiered trauma-informed framework in schools

Race Resilience:

As schools engage in courageous conversations about how racialization and racial positioning influences thinking, behaviors, and expectations, many educators still lack the resources to start this challenging and personally transformative work. Race Resilience workshops offer guidance to educators who are ready to rethink, review, and redesign their support systems and foster the building blocks of resiliency for staff.

Participants will be engaged in activities to help them understand:

  • Who we are as racialized human beings and the impact it has on our perceptions of others
  • How to develop race resilience to stay engaged, be comfortable with discomfort, speak honestly and listen actively to each other’s stories of racialization
  • How to apply the previous learning/understanding to build collective efficacy to identify the strengths and areas of growth in their current teaching and learning school culture
  • How to establish protective elements that support social-emotional well-being in staff and students, especially as it relates to their racial identity
  • How to integrate the attributes of high-performing educators to improve academic and behavioral outcomes so that more of our students, across more of their differences are proficient learners (Howard 2016)
  • How to create school cultures with systems that are sustainable and accountable

What People are Saying ...

"Ricky, Amber and Victoria delivered a three-day workshop and it was absolutely phenomenal. They were engaging and created a space where participants could dive into the material in a way that left them understanding not only how trauma effects our students but also inspired to make change. Several participants noted how it was the best professional development they have ever attended."

~ David Fendel, Coordinator of Social Emotional Learning, Contra Costa County Office of Education, CA
